Best investment in canada: safe investment with high return in canada


What are the best investment options in canada?

The best investment will depend on your time horizon, and risk tolerance.

Time horizon mostly depends on age and life events which one needs to prepare for ie. weddings, kids education, retirement, etc.

Risk tolerance is influenced by how much financial cushion you have available. Parents with deep pockets, or high income for example would naturally increase ones ability to make riskier investments with a chance of a higher payout. If the investment doesn’t work out, the financial cushion will stop you from going bankrupt/having to start over.

For investors starting out with a low risk tolerance and long time horizon, I would recommend high yield, multi family real estate. A duplex can be purchased with 5% down (low barrier to entry) if you reside in it for the first year, and the two units offer a form of diversification (if one unit stops paying rent, you’ll likely still be collecting from the other). The rent money left over after paying the mortgage/expenses will be added to your emergency fund, and thus increases your risk tolerance going forward. This will open up the door for higher risk, higher reward investments in the future! All while paying down the mortgage (increasing your net worth) in the present.

What is the best investment in Canada right now?

My suggestion is to invest in property here, either by buying serviced lots and waiting for the market to jump up or build a couple duplexes, renting them out - fsj has an extremely landlord favorable rental market-

If you have 250k to invest you probably also have great credit and good relationships with your banks.

I am invested in this town and confidently expect this boom to go on for a years yet. There are no guarantees but it looks good. I have jumped in with my brothers in law and between us all we have build six houses/ duplexes with two more builds beginning as soon as the ground thaws.

You can also invested Following are the investment options available in Canada – Annuity, Bond, Canada Saving Bond, Exchange Traded Fund, Guaranteed investment Certificate, Mutual Fund, Security, Segregated Fund, Stock, T-Bil, Real Estate, etc.

What is the best business to invest in Canada?

Here are my few suggestions. However this depends on the amount of money and effort you are willing to put into the business. Also remember a business study/research is advised.

10 best investment options in canada:

  1. Real estate business

  1. Restaurant business

  1. Organic food vendor

  1. Hair salon/spa

  1. E-Commerce

  1. Delivering senior care/social services

  1. Cooperate cleaning business

  1. Bread and breakfast services

  1. Event planning, wedding planning and bridal rentals.

  1. Real estate

How to earn $100k per year to live in Canada?

Depends where you live, really.

If in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, or Montreal then you would get by and have some savings every year.

If in any other city, you would be ballin'.

100k a year is a great income for most, if not all of Canada. Even in the big cities, most people are not making this.

After tax you would keep about $68000 of .but you would likely also get a $5000+ tax return so ultimately you'd likely pay only 25-27k in tax.

Questions bank:

What is the best investment in Canada right now?

What is the safest investment with the highest return in Canada?

What do most Canadians invest in?

What should I invest in 2022 Canada?

Md. Bisshas Prodhan

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